Easy Boiler Care

The boiler room is the heart of any building it’s in, particularly the winter. Its radiant and focused heat warms immense buildings. But, like any piece of equipment, boilers require maintenance to maintain functionality. Regular maintenance has the added benefits of increased safety and the opportunity to prolong the life of your machine. Support equipment, such as your deaerator systems, should be checked in conjunction with your boiler.

Beginning of Year

The first time you fire up your boiler you should be on the lookout for a few indicators that something is wrong. First, a thorough cleaning of every component should be undertaken so no buildup of grime impedes the machine’s processes. Vents, inlets, and outlets should also be inspected, blockage in these key areas can cause some mighty problems. The water should be tested for PH balance and the pilot flame should be inspected. This beginning of year inspection is …