When you’re considering the purchase of a new car, you may have the option of an automobile with manual or automatic transmission. Before you can make an informed decision, you need to know how the different types of hardware will affect your drive.
Changing Gears
One obvious difference between the two types of transmission is the way you change gears. In a vehicle with a manual transmission, you use a clutch to switch from one gear to another. This involves the use of a “stick shift” by the right hand and an extra pedal for the feet. An automatic vehicle handles the shifting as the engine speeds up. Basically, a manual vehicle must be shifted by hand and an automatic does the work for you.
Fuel Efficiency
Another difference between the two types of transmission is the amount of fuel used. An automatic typically uses more fuel than a manual transmission in the same type of vehicle. In addition to increasing your cost at the fuel pump, you’ll also pay more when you take your auto in for repairs at a power transmission fort worth tx auto shop.
Automobile Control
Maybe one of the most important differences is your ability to control your vehicle. The manual transmission puts more control into your hands. It also requires you to concentrate a little more on your driving and involves both hands and feet while you’re driving.
Costs of Maintenance
If it seems like purchasing a car with a manual transmission will save you money, take a look at a couple of other benefits. The manual vehicle is usually cheaper to buy than the automatic, and parts are cheaper when you’re ready to get repairs or replacements. Overall, manual vehicles are more efficient than their automatic counterparts.
Personal Preference
Many people find it more convenient to drive automatic cars and are willing to pay higher prices and related costs. If you’re willing to spend a little time perfecting your control of the vehicle from first gear to second, and so on, there are plenty of great benefits to switching to an automobile with a manual transmission.