Project management isn’t as easy as you think it to be. It requires extensive planning and organised execution. Once a project is approved, it goes through many stages until completion. From planning, performance to monitoring. You need to streamline the process to ensure a smooth flow of work.

I’ll give you a simple example. Imagine you’re being asked to organise a team lunch by your team lead. How would you go about it? You’d start with searching good restaurants in town and then funnel down to the ones that suit your team best. You’d also keep a tab on the budget. Creating and sending out invites to your colleagues. And finally, on the day of lunch, you’d coordinate with everyone with their attendance. Is that the end of your event? No right?! You’d like to have a follow up on how your colleagues’ experience was. 

It is just common segregation I’ve made. However, during the actual planning, there may be a lot more nuances that you need to attend to. This example gives you an idea of how project management works. The approach, nevertheless, differs from one individual to another. Here are some techniques that you can follow,


PRINCE2 stands for PRoject IN Controlled Environments. It is the most structured project management method. This program divides the larger projects into smaller ones to boost efficiency and speed. 

Did you know? PRINCE2 was developed as a UK government standard for their information system projects. It concentrates on change and risks as much as they prioritise planning and quality.


The Project Evaluation and Review Technique is a tool designed to interpret the tasks involved in finishing a project. It is used in time-oriented projects where cost is not calculated. 

PERT splits the project through a work breakdown structure and creates a flow chart of all the steps that need to be done so as to complete the given task. The priority of this technique is to save as much time as possible while performing each task.


This Japanese word literally translates to a billboard or a sign. The idea behind this technique is simple and straightforward. It concentrates on deliverables more and thus putting less pressure on the workforce.

How does Kanban work? It asks you 3 simple questions. What segments do you need to do? What are you doing? How much of the project is already done? Emphasising just these 3 helps you create an easier workflow than creating any complicated procedure.

Agile Project Management

This technique serves more towards the quality and value than any other aspect. The response of the client is more crucial. It leaves enough space for the team to adapt and improve.

A collaborative team effort where they plan and execute for satisfaction. Here the team builds better on the feedback given by the client. Scrum does branch out from the agile project management idea where they work on milestones and get an update from their clients. It creates transparency and flexibility.

There are many other classic and modern techniques that you can follow. However, the above remains the most sought-after technique that any team from any industry can use. 

You also have access to the experts of this field who can guide you in project management. Connecting to them is much easier than before. You can access online email search tools such as that can answer your “how to find out someone’s email” question. You can also use this freemium tool for your firm’s marketing team to access various professionals’ email addresses. 
