The holiday season has just started and people are still preparing for their big new year bash. However, the show’s gotta run for the company. Sooner or later, you need to start preparing to welcome the employees back to your office – both physically and virtually. 

Many companies have given their employees an option to work from home permanently. Regardless of their work situation, the objective remains the same. The more creative your welcome is, the merrier the employee becomes to resume their work.

Here are some tips to creatively welcome your staff back and transition them to work effortlessly,

An email greeting

Nothing matters more than a few positive words. Get your thinking cap on and pen down your thoughts & feelings about the new situation. Welcome the employees back with an email that is more hopeful & positive, all while reminiscing the year that went by.

Do not forget to thank them for their efforts. A small recognition goes a long way. The employees love being acknowledged and appreciated. Add some kind words to your email and relish the achievements. It is also a great way to communicate any organizational changes.


The new year brings new opportunities and renewed chances to work better. It is also when many applications advertise their product in the market. Take advantage of this to make a report of the workings of the existing applications your organization uses.

It is never wrong to experiment or upgrade to a new application to run things smoothly. It is especially true in the case of sales. They need better software that is fast and precise. One such tool is This AI-powered email finder tool can fetch any number of professional emails in just a matter of seconds. 


The pandemic has subsided. However, the virus is mutating in new forms that are still unknown to humankind. The latest omicron virus is alerting the world to be extra cautious than before because of its dynamic nature. Be precautious before it’s too late.

 If you’re welcoming the employees physically, then provide them with a safety kit along with the precautionary instructions. The pedagogy should cover all the necessary points on cleanliness and distance. If the employee works from home, send them an email with details about precautions. Provide all your employees with hotline numbers in case of emergency.

Final thoughts

In this uncertain time – the employee expects nothing from their employer but comfort and safety. As mentioned above, share hotline numbers and emergency assistance for every individual working for you. It shows that you care about them. Apart from these, check with the third party financial institutions if they can help your employees in case of any medical emergencies.

Sign your employees up for health insurance and keep a tab on their well being. Apart from these, you can always plan a few fun activities and welcome back parties to get them into the groove!
