How many times have you thought that you’re not being rewarded anything for the money you spend. You’re spending over $100,000 annually and no one blinks an eye. If you’re doing this through a debit card, then it’s time to ask for a credit card, because the rewards can be huge by doing the same.

When you’re spending a lot of money by paying with a credit card, you’re eligible for rewards that will give you a ton of benefits. Some might not be interesting for you, while some of them will amaze you by their value. You’ll start asking yourself about how you could’ve not realized this is a thing.

A lot of people out there refuse to use credit cards because they thinkthink this is just a way for banks to steal from you. On the other hand, millions of Americans are happy to use all kinds of different cards for different situations and they are earning a ton of rewards by doing nothing else what they do every day.

In this article, we’re talking more about what rewards are the most popular, and what are the rewards that are the most valuable for you personally. We will talk more about the credit card reward options. If you see something you like, go ahead and research about which companies are providing these rewards.


Cashback is the most common reward practice that credit card companies use to reward their users by spending more. This system is quite simple and is using cash as a reward. Everyone will agree that cash is the most desired thing to receive as a gift, no matter what the occasion is.

Cashback programs work by getting a particular percent back from the money you’re spending. Every bank or card issuer will have a different policy and depending on how high the cashback percent is, the more valuable a particular card will be.

Some banks will provide the cashback option no matter what you buy and how long after you purchase the card, while others will have strict rules. The latter ones will have more benefits if you spend money on something that was agreed by them and is worth purchasing through the card.

The average cashback percentage is between one and two percent, but in these cases, when the rewards are made for particular products specifically, you may get even up to 6%. That means, it’s crucial to do the research and find out which products are offered, and if you shop for them ordinary, you will get more cash by getting them frequently.

Cashback rewards are great for those that spend a lot of money on some of the things that are offered by these financial institutions. If you don’t like getting other rewards that are not converted in cash, then you should consider this one first, and only after this the others.

Flying miles

Those who often fly from one place to another are going to love this one. If you fly frequently, you know how much money you spend on airplanes and tickets. Spending dozens of thousands of dollars every year means that you can hundreds of dollars back by getting these rewards.

To be eligible for this reward, you should order a card from a company that provides this reward, and more importantly, one that will provide flying miles as a reward. When you buy tickets from one place to another, you become eligible for this reward.

Once you reach a particular amount of miles, you can start paying by these points. The flying points are going to come free. This is possible when banks and flying companies make arrangements for getting cheaper tickets. Everyone wins here, because financial institutions gain by having users pay with their cards, and the flying companies get more users to fly with their planes.

The kredittkort users, of course, benefit too because they get free flying miles without spending a dime. The more you fly, the more reward flying points you’ll get and you’ll be able to travel even more. If you want to learn more about flying points, click this link here.

Restaurants and grocery shops

If you often shop in grocery stores, eat out in restaurants, or spend money on drinks and food, then you should be looking f the credit cards that are going to offer points for spending money in these places.

Buying more in these places is going to provide you more points that you can use in these same companies, or some that are similar. In general, the entire reward works similarly to anything else. If you manage to spend an amount that is respectable over a short period, you’ll get a lot of benefits.

Let’s say that you eat at the same place every day while you’re at work. During the year, you discover that you spend more than $10,000 in this place. At the same time, you realize that there’s a bank offering a credit card that will give you a bonus worth $500 to spend at the same places.

That means you’ll be able to eat for free in the next couple of weeks. If you’ve been doing this anyway, then why not earn some rewards and eat at least a couple of times for free? This is a deal that no one should refuse if they are doing it regularly.


Another excellent option for getting reward points is getting hotel points. You get this by staying in hotels around the country and the world. Those who often go on business trips and have to pay for their stay somewhere will be the ones happiest with this kind of reward.

The hotels are often highly expensive, but there’s no other way to do business. You’ll need to spend time in a hotel somewhere and pay for it. While there, you will get points for putting this room money on your card.

Instead of paying everything yourself always, you can put these rooms on the credit cards and see how you get kredittkort fordeler for doing business out of town. If you’re running a company and you need to pay for the stay of your employees, this is going to come in quite handy knowing that you’re saving a ton of money that will go directly into the budget of the company.


A lot of cards will have a combination of all these things. It’s your job to see what works best for you and get the kredittkort that is going to give you the most value. See what you’re spending the most money on and ask for that kind of credit card.

If you’re doing ordinary things and you have no spending pattern, then it’s best to look for a cashback option that is going to be perfect for you. If you often fly from one city to another, then look for points translated into flying miles.

If you’re often on business trips, and you pay for hotels, then you can get this kind. And, if you live a life that often includes eating out or shopping in grocery stores, then ask for that reward option.
